November 09, 2008

Its not wrong unless you get caught!!

Aku tgk cete apa tah cakap what is define things that is wrong. Then adalah this girl cakap.. its wrong when ppl caught you.. emm i think most of us do that.. unless somebody is there to summons us .. its not wrong to speed.. or its not wrong to cut queue. But what make me surprise .. it also happen to the cat .. hehehe .. my apartment ada kucing. a stray cat yg my hsemate bela. so normally kucing ni a.k.a comel, membuat bisness dia kat litter tray dia. Sometimes she a bit fussy. If her litter box dah digunakan .. she a bit reluctant to use it again although dah cekup dah hasil bisness2 dia. starting a week ago my hsemate pergi haji .. so i became the mak tiri utk jaga dia. Mid last week she throw up .. so i wash the balcony and I didnt dry it up. the next day i noticed that some place dekat balcony tu masih x kering... and the next next day .. i noticed that bukan nya balkony tu x kering.. but comel telah kencing kat situ. I didnt realize because it very rare i sit in the hall recently.. selalunya after kasik makan dia .. terus masuk bilik. She think that if there is water .. and she pee in the water .. nobody knew.. but she didnt know one day the water will dry and leave her stains. So i wash the balcony the next day but this time, i learn my lesson and dry the balcony. In the evening I went out . When I come back, i saw there is water in the balcony. My selfclaimed " beautiful engineer" hsemate hang her jeans yg masih basah. I kind of pissed off because i knew comel will pee again. I smell something not nice .. but just ignore it and when to my other friend hse for sleepover. Today I went back and see it there is stain in the balcony so it confirm la she already pee at that water. So again I have to wash the balcony because my self claimed beautiful engineer is too busy to notice the smell because she's concentrating watching the tv which is just about 2 meter from the balcony. After i dry the balcony using the mop but you know .. it sure takes time to dry off. So i call my sis. after talking to her, i went to the hall to finish the stuff and i notice there are more water.. and it smelly. uhh .. she pee again.. so i have to wash it again. And this time i wash the whole balcony including behind a batu block kat tepi dinding. I notice this batu block pun basah.. and this must her pee point too. So i took that batu block and put in the middle of balcony. I dry it with mop .. and wait for the balcony totally dry before go in to my room. This time see didn't pee anymore.
Then tonight after giving her dinner, i sit in front of tv to watch kimora. I noticed, she walk to the wall where the batu block use to be there. She walk and see that place multiple time ... so i knew she want to do her bisness but now, no more batu block or water for her to hide her pee. I stand at the balcony door .. and just watch her . She look at me and go in her litter box .. and she pee there. It was funny that kucing pun tau nak tipu org ekk...


Anonymous said...

ahahahaah!comel la kucing tuh

naiza said...

soalannya bape kali imah kena basuh balcony tu?

serious aku pun lost count.. sabarnye lah ko.. tu pasal aku tak bela kucing.. sungguh malas basuh membasuh balcony tuu

ps: teringin nak kenal ur beautiful engineer tuuu

Anonymous said...

Blog pasal kencing kucing...and aku tgh dinner sambil minum air apple juice...sungguh tak kena... :)

i am back - Amir :)