Last weekend aku dok becanda kat air terjun celebrate birthday kawan, Miss S. So salah satu gosip yg kuar pasal member aku Miss S nak match making Miss B with Mr P. FYI Miss S, Miss K and Mr P blaja sama2 kat german so all of them know each other la. Kitorang gi mandi air terjun 7 org including Miss S, Miss K and Miss B. Miss K and Miss B just met for this clebration while the other 6 of us agak selalu gak le spend masa bersama2. When the subject pasal nak match make Miss B with Mr P di diskuskan... Miss K buat muka " what .. x de org lain ke ko nak matchkan". Tapi Miss S cakap le .. sesuai.. sorang drama queen and sorang drama king. After a while with Miss B, then Miss K cakap .. " ok2 .. betul la sesuai .. sama2...".
hahaha .. my point bukan nak mengcompiuskan kan korang dgn so many Miss XYZ .. but i wonder for a good relationship, which one better. Does you need to be similar or you need to be ying and yang. I wasnt really thinking abt this until my friend offer me butterscoth gardenia. I know lots of ppl like this butterscoth and I've been dying to try one ever but always sold out kat petronas. Until one day i managed to buy it. Even butterscoth is more popular but i realized i like chocolate raisin more. So should i look for ppl that like chocolate raisin .. or i'll be happy with butterscoth.
I asked my good friend abt this if he butterscoth and his gf cokelat raisin or both of them is the same. He told me .. he and his gf, they are totally different sampai type of bread x leh nak mendescribekan diorang but they prefectly happy.
So does similarity and differences important in relationship?? Emm aku masih x sure what the conclusion weh...
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