May 11, 2018

Tribute to Mahathir

Malaysian is creating history.. for the first time we have the non-BN as our government and guess what .. Mahathir become our prime minister again. I didn't manage to vote this year. I registered as postal vote and the package reach me on 8th May around 2pm and the last person who depart from Heathrow was at 2.20pm. But it really amazing that Malaysian are together wanting a change. I hope under PH malaysia will become GREAT!.. There are a few new leader that I hope can give a fresh air to Malaysia. We had too many of arrogant and kiss ass minister in previous government. But special thanks to Tun Dr Mahathir.. He putting aside his age and even his ego to fight for the country. It really sad to see him staying late, going to many places for campaign. It must give him a lots of toll. I can see how tired he is during the swearing in ceremony. I hope he help can appointed a correct people this time and help to correct what has been done wrong. Since 15 years he has step down, i don't see any new development for Malaysia.. it become more famous for MH and 1MDB. Money get spending without any new thing.
I always adore him.. Yeah he might be a bit egoistic, cunning and might be power hungry but above all, i know he love Malaysia from the deep of his heart. He was so love the country that he willing to step down albeit his power hungry to avoid Malaysian get divided. He is one of visionary ppl that i have known in Malaysia. Sometimes maybe his vision may be burden by his love towards muslim & malay but he the best we have so far. Tun abdullah said, the problem about Mahathir, there is only one way and that is Mahathir way. But i think the truth is, we don't have leader that can think like him..

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