March 29, 2005

Equality or stupidity

I received a forward mail from a fren few weeks ago abt a woman professor kat US yang lead a Friday Prayer on 18 March. At first I dun give a damn sebab muka prof tu macam Bush yang diperempuankan and dipakaikan tudung ( which i also received from a forward mail a year ago). So i thot it must be a joke being pass thru the net .. not until i read a post dlm yahoo grp. So i click on google bar to find something under word Amina Wadud. Wahhh .. sungguh banyak. Even BBC and CNN make a cover abt this. It must be real!!!!
What I dun understand how she actually want to fight for equality by leading a Mixed Friday prayer?? It all nonsense. She must eat lots of Ajimonoto.. She can't expect "sameness" by the means of equality. It's all wrong. Woman and Man are two different thing. They have different responsiblity. They are means for completion for each other like the concept of Ying and Yang by having a cross function not a parallel function. I know there are some Islamic country where woman are not treated as they shud be .. but it's not bcos of Islam. For me Islam is all abt equality. Maybe she not actually fighting inequality on Islam but she try to create a new religion having her as a center.
If we look the pic carefully, there are some woman not wearing their hijab during the prayer. This really not an Islamic prayer. They not performing an Islamic Prayer but maybe just a prayer for their new religion under the mask of Islam. Im not sure where she will be heading in future for what she called "equality" .. maybe her next step is by declaring " woman shud not wear hijab.. why must they wear it while man can hv less aurat" or maybe " woman shub able to marry 4 in one time"... argghhhhhh ... i hate when ppl actually using Islam for their own agenda.

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March 25, 2005

Sky Need To have Clear N Blue

I've been remembering my childhood memory this past few days. I'm not sure why.. maybe ive been missing my home so badly kot.

Anyway , here some of cete mase kecik2 yang tetiba terpop up... normally me n my adik2 just main dekat depan rumah je. Only after 5 we went out for outdoor games like guli, getah and also pistol cerry. I like to play guli but normally im the one yang lost all the guli and my brother was the one yang gained back all the guli. :) and now bile semua dah tak main guli lagi .. we hv one bottle full with guli yang jadik khazanah utk dipass pada anak2 sedara tapi rasanya budak2 sekarng dah tak main guli lagi kot.So simpan je la kot .. mane tau boleh jadik barang antik.

I have this neighbour, acir who used to come to my hse everyday. Kitorng start kawan when he just abt 2 years old though my brother mase tu dah start tadika and ai dah sekolah rendah. Dulu tak pernah perasan kawan ngn budak kecik sampai la bila dah keje .. macam pelik dia masih sekolah lagi. He just took his SPM before I went to UK. Bila kira2 tahun baru la perasan mase dia dok lepak ngn kitorng .. he just 2 years old. Btw adalah satu ketikanye ... my parent tade and org lain tgh tido siang ( i dun like to sleep during afternoon) he come to our hse. Mase tu terpikir la nak try to use him as the my tikus putih experiment. My ayah ada le simpan shaver dlm cupborad. I always wonder how it work and nak try guna. So i try it on him :). I try to shave his leg but nothing happen. So i thought the shaver are not working. SO i use on my face and unlucky me .. i shave half my eyebrows. hahahahhahaah .. dah la kening nipis .. dishave lagi. uhuhhuh ...

For pistol cherry .. i still remember Cik Meng sungguh baik hati tolong buatkan pistol for me yang tau main je. Teringat cete pasal pistol cherry teringat la kat my jiran sorang ni who always think he's superior than us. he a year younger than me. So one day when we plan to have a pistol cerry games .. he suddenly come to us and want to join .. but nak dia sorang2 dlm satu team. He said he's a rambo and can beat all of us. Ok no big deal la kan if he think so. But during the games .. everyone shooting tak berenti towards him and he finished all his cherry. Maybe sebab dah nak kalah kot ..dia terus bang his pistol to the walls and broke it and shout at us. Everyone scared and run. Lepas tu huhuhhuh ... i'm not allowed to enter his hse for couple of week :(

March 12, 2005

i want to jump ....

I've been crazy these pass few days just to get this draw pixel.. arghhhhhhh ... geramnya...

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