March 23, 2004

Cinta Musim Exam

"Cinta Musim Exam"... phrase from my brother.. Sokmonya exam is something we try to avoid but it different with my brother. This the moment he start to notice his gadis "Pond". He saw that girl kat balai cerap and terus terpikat. Kira macam love at first sight tapi nasib baik sebelah budak is his friend so tak yah susah susah buying phone camera to snap the pic. So sekarang ni tengah angau gila kat rumah tu .. Teringat zaman dolu dolu masa aku minat Nehru ..exam is something i wait for .. sebab masa tu baru aku boleh mengusha nehru ..
On my way back yesterday,ada satu lorry yang accident. I guess the driver bawa laju and tayar dia meletup .. so it spinned and finally the body landed across the highway .. Terpaksa la kitorang semua squeezed kat emergency lane utk passby. Nasib baik tak meletup.

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