April 01, 2006

they or me??

have you ever did a personality test and the result seem to be same as what other ppl think what u are .. but it's not the same with what you think u are. or terbalik .. what i try to say is ppl see u is not as u see urself. emm .. sound confusing?? im oso confuse as now at the time im writting is already 2am. so half of brain went to teluk memerang already. only left less than half. Sometimes i dunno which one is matter .. is it what u think u are .. or what ppl see u ??? .. I always think .. only we know ourself better than anybody else but yet .. it other ppl who interact with us and see us. mcm case ayam dan telur plak .. everything is related. Tapi bak kata cpah .. tak yah pikir banyak2 . Let the confusion begin .. and end in my dream .. :). Going off.........


hh said...

my personality test result selalu mmg terase benar, dan org pon terase benar. lalala saye tipu. :-"

Anonymous said...

a lil bit of both i suppose....aku pon rase we know ourselves better ...things is, we live with other people jugak ....just have to find the line to balance both la kot .....ish asal aku dah cam jadik berpikir2 cam ko nih ....ishh imah nih pengaruh tidak baik la ...heheh