October 31, 2007

pompuan pompuan

Sometimes rasanya the hardest thing being a woman is how ppl think abt you. If you married and your husband cheat on you ... and you x buat apa2, forgive him because of love, people will say " bodoh nye .. laki cam tu pun nak gak". But if you divorce him ( mintak fasak le) .. jadik janda lak. Bile jadik janda, ppl will look you one kind.. macam le semua lelaki akan tergoda ngn you. Then when you meet someone else, ppl will say to your "to-be-husband", ala takkan nak kawin ngn janda.. takde pompuan lain ke. So adakah kesimpulan nya, if you married to a jerk and it will end your happiness? tapi bile you single sampai ke tua, ppl will say, tu la pemilih sangat.. kan dah jadik anak dara tue... uhhuhuhuh .. Betul tak jadik pompuan ni hard bukan kerana fitrah kita buat because of the community :(


videLcute said...

i think, some people [i especially quotes those yg dah married, stable in that string] always always burden us with that.
eh tetibe aku nye ayat yg aku nk ckp tuh hilang. aiiyyayyaaa.. duh.
tapi, tu ah, susah kan. we cn be anything from the dictionary of a woman, we can be the one who will be cheated, or we can also be the one who cheat. we can be the one who became the 3rd person in somebody else's relationship, and we can also be the one in the relationship. we can be the perampas, we can also be the one who her hasben kene rampas.
we can be the one who sakit hati, we can also be the one who sakitkan hati org.
so, its all a matter of our own akal & hati.. dan tidak dilupakan, nafsu.
huhu, life is demanding.
but one thing for sure, it doesnt make u&partner 'established' even if u had married, kan?

Anonymous said...

yupp.. its tough 8->

Anonymous said...

suke entry ni..
agree!mmg sgt susah jd pompuan..sigh~

Pojan said...

mmg adat manusia. kalau ada 10 benda baik, 1 bende tak elok, ppl tend to focus on that 1 bende tak elok.

Kalau kawin awal kena tegur, kawin lambat kena tegur. dah kawin, lambat dapat anak pun kena tegur. kalau dapat anak sorang je pun kena tegur. kalau anak ramai pun kene tegur. Kalau anak lelaki je sume, pun kene tegur. Anak pompuan je sume pun kene tegur. Kalau takda anak, sah sah la kene tegur. Apetah lagi tak kawin??? Jadi janda? sah sah kene kutuk. Stay dgn laki tak guna sbb tanak kene kutuk adalah bangang.

My point is, tak payah la nak buat sesuatu semata nak buktikan sesuatu kat org lain. Asalkan diri bahagia dan tak memudaratkan org lain, you're fine.

Anonymous said...

agreed with everybody. as for me..selalu teringat kata2 ms foo..always be at yr best! be a good fren, good mom, good daughter n good wife. we certainly cannot please everybody. when u reach a certain point in yr life, sometimes kena selfish sikit to ensure yr own self happiness...build yr own wall that org lain semua ada limitations to cross it. hope we all hv a happy life ever after...

videLcute said...

kite seme membebel, imah ni tak cek ke ape blog die? hehehe ai plak emo.
imahhhhhh, u've been tagged from my blog. thank you.