July 14, 2008


I'm watching sepi yesterday. Quite good movie and I like it. I think I like it more than Cinta. So I guess I'm more lonely person than loving person :p. I was talking to my friend about sepi and how the movie touch my heart, then suddenly my frined asked me. "Do you think a lot of people sepi?" My answer?, " Yes .. I think everyone sepi either we realising or not". Then my friend asked again " Why you say that" ... and i realize i dont have the answer .. I just say it but I do think its true. So I just keep quiet.. hahahahah .
But later I started asking my sister and my mum .. Both their answer slightly identical. "Kita rasa sepi bile malam takde apa nak buat, tv takde cerita best etc". From there I realize that sepi came when you dont have purpose.. and it same to life. In our life, sepi is always there if we didnt have purpose. As muslim, our solely purpose is to serve god and if we deprioritize that purppose, I guess that what make us "Sepi". But in real life, when we are busy with worldly task and attraction we do forget our real purpose. This what bring us closer to sepi either we realize or not. For most of people including me, we try to supress this sepi by tie ourselves busy sampai takde masa nak think or feel abt the sepi although it is there. We just lost our 6th sense.
Tiba2 terpikir satu benda lak. If you ask me what I think of sepi, my answer simply.. It's dark .. it black.. and empty. My friend also say that God are source of light and without Him, we totally in dark. I think in Quran also did say people who didnt believe in God is like a blind guy which mean he didnt get the light. Doesn't it related? Without God, we have no light and without light we are in dark.. and dark is SEPI.
It easy to find this connection but the hard thing is to pull yourself from this sepi :(

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