March 23, 2009

Guides to daily conversation

When your friend tell you that she pregnant
- wah .. congrats.. dah berapa bulan
- Nanti bersalin kat mana? Sapa jaga?
- Ada morning sickness x? Ada mengidam apa2 x?

WHen your friend just deliver
- so boy or girl?
- Bape berat dia? Amboi ringan je, apsal perut hang nampak besaq dulu ekk
- sakit x?

When your friend plan to shift to new place
- Jam x?
- Kat sana, neigbour dia cam ne? OK?
- Bape sewa?

When your friend buy new cosmetic/diet product
- Berkesan x?
- ada apa effect x?
- Bape rege?

When your friend tell you that she/he got new job
- Gaji bape? Tinggi ke?
- Apa dia kasik? Benefit
- Keje dia best ke? Ada travel ke?

WHen your friend got scholarship offer
- Ni loan ke scholarship?
- Kena keje ngn diorang ke? Ikat bape tahun?
- Bape dia kasik? CUkup ke?

When your friend tell you her bro get enggage
- Your younger or older brother

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