May 08, 2011


while looking at the cute cupcakes, one of my relatives cakap " next time during her son birthday she will order this cupcakes and distribute to the kids friend in kindergarten. emm tetiba terpikir. what will be the best way to celebrate birthday with your kids? should we spend the whole time doing something that he or she want like going to mall, playing in the waterpark, or celebrate the birthday party. will it make them happy. I guess with the attention and gift any kids will be happy. does it important for them to feel happy or rather we should do something to nurture their ability to share with other people even those not related to them. instead of sharing or distribute cupcakes to friends in kindergarden, will it better if we bring them to feed the homeless? or give them 100 of rm1 notes and let him give donation to the begger or bring him to celebrate with old folks home ? its not the coolest thing to do but if we make it a routine, will they grow up and feel these is what need to be done rather than they doing something good. but not sure what he feel when seeing his friends bringing cakes to everyone during his birthday while he didn't bring anything to them. will they feel left out? does it a good thing to make your kids feel it is OK to be different so they will not feel shy or doing something just for the sake of other ppl do it? I don't know.


owwek said...

buatlah dua2....tak boleh ke? buat kat kindy, and kasik jugak kat org2 lain yg kita nak aku rasa, baik make a routine to help org lain itu, bukan pada masa birthday sahaje.....all the time, try to instill the feeling of kesian kat org lain, terapkan perasaan nak menolong/membantu setiap masa, dan bersyukur dgn ape yg kite ade.....

melloyz said...

Boleh buat dua2 but the question is what is the best thing to do.. is it necessary to hv the party celebration etc or that will just spoiled them ... The more i think abt it.. i feel parenting is one of the hardest job ... you have to think a lot of the consequences your action to your kids...