December 03, 2008

sin on praying mat

semalam i work late .. so nak solat maghrib kat opis. Masa aku masuk kat surau .. ada le sorang budak ni tgh dok cakap kat tepon on praying mat. maybe dia tgh tunggu maghrib la. dari aku masuk sampai la aku keluar .. she continue bitching abt her hsemate ... semua benda la kuar.. hahahah ... aku pun nak tak nak terpaksa la pasang telinga kan .. dah dia cakap agak kuat .. ye la org tgh meluahkan perasan .. aku paham perasan tu :p. Anyway .. what she said abt her hsemate more a less lebih kurang sama la with mine .. just i think mine .. is more nampak innocent .. pretend she innocent which sometimes I'm confuse untill my mum a.k.a detective conan ( gelaran yg adik aku kasik kat mak) yg membongkar segala misteri .. Do lots of people have problem with their hsemate? ... i went to my friend engagement last saturday .. she also told me almost similar case with her ex-hsemate. They halau her out sebab dah x tahan .. anyway ... this not my point ... my point is sometimes when we actually live with those bad people ... sometimes without we realizing we became one ... hahahaha .. the simple example is us. Me and my other hsemate. Kadang2 .. kitorang saja je masak and x pelawa dia makan ada unsur yg nak buat dia terliur ngn apa yg kitorang masak. .. and we talk to each other not involve her. My other hsemate pernah raise the question... rasa2 nya berdosa x kita buat dia macam ni... so aku cakap le .. secara theory mesti la berdosa.. tapi its theory.. aku x leh buat .. its hard to follow the theory unless we ask her to go out from the hse. We do all the stuff yg dia buat kat kitoarng .. sebab kitorang nak dia rasa cam mana. tapi dia cam x paham2 .. pelik. x kisah what our intention is .. or who start first.. in other word .. we already became like her. One of the thing yg budak pompuan yg aku jumpa kat surau tu ada cakap .." aku dah tak kira .. aku nak jadik setan dah".
I remember what my friend told me last time abt bad relationship between husband and wife. If a wife or husband find out that his partner is having an affair .. and if he/she didnt come out from the relationship ... he/she might end up doing the same thing as his partner. I think it might be true


naiza said...

aku pun penah ada bad experience ngan housemate or roommate.. betul la apa ko cakap tu.. memula die je buat tak senonoh yang kita kecik ati.. last2 kita pun buat benda yang nak nyakitkan hati die pulak..
i think probably the best is to tell her the truth, cite yang perangai die cemana yang kita tak suka and tak berkenan.. pastu kalo die tak suka kita cakap camtu and tanak berubah die move out.. maybe kalo camtu dua2 pun tak banyak buat dosa menyakitkan ati orang lain..

tapi kita orang melayu selalu cam tak berani nak luahkan apa yang kita rasa kan?

namely Syimi, said...

ha ha..aku pernah citer kat husband aku pasal hosemate rumet nih..and bule tak die wat conclusion..oang pompuan selalu je ade masalah camni..sbb kawan kawan die kat US pon camtu..ceh!