April 07, 2013


I was writing my previous post and just happens kat blog punya statistic, this post pop up
Who cares if that someone likes the other someone bcos of their race. Its when they hate them that's the problem....
I don't remember where I read or quotes it but  to all my dear friends, I do hope we dont fall into this hate thingy... I just remind me those old days of black and white. Read or watch The Help, To Kill the Mockingbird or even the recent Django unchained. Are we want to be one of them?? There is one part in To Kill the mockingbird where the young boy cry seeing the unjustice happen. We and our kids should be like him instead of become like Leonardo in Django. Of course it easier to see the un-justice in movie/books because it other people story. But when we a part of the story, there is always a blind side...

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