December 09, 2015


One of things that bothered me a bit before i travel was this islamophobia thingy. Just a week before i departed, isis decided to attack france. Good timing ya.  Then all the islamophobia status start flooding my facebook newsfeed. One girl being pushed to underground, taxi driver cannot get passenger, someone being denied entrance on the bus etc etc. To be honest i am a bit worried. By wearing a scarf, i'm declaring myself as muslim publicly and if all this islamophobia is happening, i can be the target. Scary ya as 30% of my travel will be alone. To be caution, i did bring a snow cap just incase i need to "disguise" myself. However this 2 weeks experience doesnt give me any bad experience. Someone still willing to offer to take my luggage up in the bus. No additional stare or what so ever while i am walking in the street. Some stranger still stop and talked to me while i was walking in edinburgh. People still sit beside me in the bus. It doesnt really look like what being shared in facebook. Funny ya.  Someone told me during the iceland trip. If you read/watch the news, you will start scared, hate/judgemental to others but when you start knowing them, it wasnt that bad after all. I guess it true. Same thing like malay chinese issue in malaysia. If you read what being shared, you see how kiasu chinese want to take over malaysia and left malay starving and how stupid and ignorant a malay can be, how easy a malay life everything also got discount. But once we be friend and know each other, they just someone' son/daughther that worry abt the parents or someone's parent that worry abt their kids and a malaysian that worry abt their country.   Sometimes news is good to give us a broader view but nowadays the news is more to ppl opinion rather than facts. 

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