Went to a chinese tea shop today to accompany friend buy tea.. The shop owner are so friendly and let me taste 6 different tea ranging from a few type and years of pu er tea, green tea and an expensive tea which cost RM400 per 100g.. i didnt know tea can cost a bomb.. and different year of tea can have different taste. it really amaze after the first steep, the tea leaf open up to be a real whole leaf!! and the smell is wonderful. i like the green tea the most. It smell very nice and didn't have a strong after taste. i just know that a 2014 puer tea which cause rm100 per piece can actually cost 3 to 5 times more after 6 years! Good investment uhh...On the opposite to green tea that the shelf life only up to 6 months. emmm i have so low class taste .. hahahaha. The uncle also sell puer tea that cost 12k per piece which of cause he didnt offer to let us taste it!! i really wonder how it taste. The uncle said.. it like LV .. brand .. the taste a bit powdery but ppl like it bcos it a high brand leaf. hahahaha.. to be honest i didnt expect tea can be this complicated and interesting... a friend told me before, dont judge a book by it's cover.. i guess this tea thing is one of it.. :).
btw, when i said per piece, it not pieces of leaf but for puer tea, the leave are compressed to be like a piece of plate like below..
December 28, 2014
December 19, 2014
Bye bye 2014
Emm 2014 going to end very soon. Initially i felt like nothing really happen this year but after a short stop, i just reliazed that there are things happen this year. I moved to new house, move to new job at old company, my father passed away and finally meet my invisible family, Travel to japan, us, perhentian, doing a solo backpacking to bangkok. Enrolled in baking class.. Forcing my mum to eat the bread i made (pity her). In process of discovering n amend the difference between me with my mum. Emmm but i need more!!! Anyway 2015 in preparation.. Hope it will be more flowerish than 2014!! Emm need to ho office first
November 29, 2014
Action vs words
A few years back i wrote an entry abt getting updates of myself. Abt you need to invest time in order to know your friend... Today for some reason the same blog entry has been mirrorred back to me. It funny as that what i felt years back n the same person has saying it back to me. Im not sure where my time goes but i dont seems able to juggle between things that important to my life. I used to think, work has take it highest toll in my life but when i analyze, it wasnt really the case. I work from 9-7 and rarely did i work at night. I dont really go out that much. Seriously what did i do????
November 26, 2014
Wake up early
I noticed i barely done anything besides work n tv. My ultimate disappointment is when i was watching a malay drama title something abt paku pontianak. It is abt a guy try to get marry but yet no one want so he end up try to nail down a vampire. I feel so stupid that i curse myself while watching it but yet i still watch. Sigh!!! When someone share an article abt thing to do before bfast for successfull ppl i decided i want to try. Today is my first trial. It wasnt as successfull as i plan as nothing really complete as what i plan but a good start. Hopefully i hv strength to continue... Gambate!!!
October 02, 2014
Reward points
Today i saw a msg from friend.. "Bestnya arafah jatuh on friday.. Ibarat buat 70haji." Somehow i feel disturb with her statement.. Allah create 7 days in a week and n to hv Arafah on friday is like dunno how many years once.. It can be when u go to do hajj, that year the arafah is not on friday.. Do u hv to do it 70times compare to ppl that do it at the year when arafah fall on friday? We know that nowadays is hard to get hajj quota n to physically do it more than one is kinds of taking other opportunity.. So I just feel if that statement is true..it really unfair.. But I believe Allah is fair.. So are some ine making the statement?
September 13, 2014
Things that matter
Ppl who close with me know that i hv this unhappiness towards what i do now. I jump to one job and another but still the feeling is there.. Looking at my career now, actually i dont think there is no solution to the issue that i have now. When i raised some issue, ppl did listen although it wasnt 100% so there are chance thing can be changes but somehow myself reluctant to fight for it.. I looking for a way totally out of it. I just not keen on doing what i'm doing but at the same time i love doing engineering. A part of me can't think what are the purpose of all this. We fight againts deadline from one project to another and some even got zbb'ed at the end of milestone... Im not sure if it worth all the effort. To be honest, i love doing my work .. way more than watching tv. I can stuck in front of screen debugging or create new code and even tahan to go to bathroom.. Once i start working, i easily in my zone.. Even watching tv i will always distracted.. Emm somehow today i think i kind of found the reason.. Everyone of us human longing to do something that matter. Be it as a daughther or as worker or even as mother. I felt that my current work, i dont feel it matter!!! If one day i quit or i die, the world wont cry for me.. No significant thing i hv done to anyone in this world.. I hv to find something that matter
September 09, 2014
Recently i noticed i hv big problem.... I just can't focus!! I easy get distracted n nothing able to hold my concentration more than 20mins.. Maybe that the reason i always do keje half way. I started my ambition of writting apps... but it goes up to the point installing new xcode on my laptop...then i do sme study on bangkok but still i eas get distracted on gossip blog.. Iskhhhh i hv to fix i hv to fix
August 25, 2014
Ice bucket challenge
I saw a photo our penang cm lim guan eng participart at ice bucket challenge.. Reading the comment make me think how ppl actually see their leader. While some is againts it as it kind of wasting water but some are praising it as he willing n humble to do it. Some said .. see we ask najib.. Sure wont do.. It funny though.. Somehow i feel this all thing is easy to do rather than being a good leader.. N it doesnt matter. But ppl magnify this thing to something big. If somehow najib willing to do it .. What does it mean? He humble n good leader Or he willing to do anything for vote? Anyhow.. Khairiee n that tourism minister already do it.. Does it mean they good leader? Sigh
August 09, 2014
2 wolf inside me?
From young ... I means very young like before my high school, i always hv 2 opposite character. I love money m greedy.. I use to collect money from my late grandpa before he enter my hse. He went my hse almost everyday and i will collect toll money from him- 20 sen each time he what to enter, else he can't enter. I used to hv quite high saving compare to my other sibling.. I remember at one time i hv abt 10k in my acc. That pretty big amount for kids from low income class. I also wont allow ppl to borrow anything frm my hse especially my neighbour. At the same time.. I'm a giver. I easy to pity for poor people. When we are kids, im the only one that will always give my father some money n ask him to give to orpahange. At that time you dont think abt pahala but I just pity them. Nobody told me to do so. It a conflicting character that i hv. At that time.. , the most unfortunate ppl that u think is either anak yatim or kids with father too old but yet still cycled his kid to school. Anyway, thing slowly changing when i grew up.. I expose with even more materialistic thing starting with different friend in boarding school. SSP full with rich girl that make me one to hv what they hv as well. I start to spend more money on myself.. buy meaningless stuff like some us magazine which i dont think i really like it. It an exploration state for me. I remember wanting swatch so much but yet can't make myself to buy it and i ended up declare war on watch. What a funny behviour. I want more money to feed lifestyle that i want. Things continue... there always thing that i want that make me want to hv more money and money untill now. i greedyly buy a falling knife stock with the hope it will increase which of couse make me lost even more money.. That how greedy i become.
Anyway the above just introduction.. A friend told me abt thing that happens on cambodia. How poor they are and lifestyle that they hv. He told me about his distance friend that go and help in cambodia. After he told me.. to imagine myself in that place is a scary thing. I know i will hv that heavy feeling living n seeing their suffer and u know what the biggest worry i hv? I afraid i will let go my sekangkang kera wealth for them.. See how greedy this little girl has become.. A friend told me before inside everyone there is 2 wolf - evil and good. Both always fight. Which one will win? The wolf that we feed more.. I guess that greedy.. love for money in myself are growing bigger n bigger compare to the side that easy to pity to unfortunate ppl. sigh
August 04, 2014
August 03, 2014
Can't hold it anymore
My phone drop into longkang 3 months back. As iphone 6 coming soon, i decide to buy cheap phone and use it first until iphone 6 come out rather than buying iphone 5s.. It only lasted 3 months.. I bought lenovo a516.. It always hang when i surf.. I dont feel belonging... Hahahaha n yesterday i made a crazy decision to just buy iphone 5s although iphone 6 suppose to come in sept which now might move to oct..Hahahaha. So far no regret.. It so clear n everything seems in place. I'm a person without a patience.. Huhuhuh. I guess i should handle my life the same way i handle my shopping need.. Shouldn't compromise!!!
July 26, 2014
RM1 different and color of your skin...
In my high school whatsapps group, we are talking abt the latest racial tension in Malaysia where this Chow Jack wrote some nasty status or I rather said some sick racial comment. Some of my friend mention, it maybe better if malaysia not multi racial.. just like Japan & Korea. I dont think it is true .. as somehow ppl always has differences .. and they like to label thing. I told her, even there is only one race, we will fight against other thing maybe different state.
Today my mum went to yearly raya market to buy some meat and other stuff. When she asked how much per kg for the meat, the seller who is a "bugis"Malay told her that 1kg = RM27. She asked for a discount but the seller said .. it really the price.. cannot nego. So she just forked her money and pay off. Then before she left, there is another bugis Malay ask for the same meat.. Guess what .. he only need to pay RM26 per kg. Just because he is bugis, he got RM1 cheaper. See ...even both my mum & the other buyer's IC bear Malay as the race, but we hv sub divide to bugis, jawa, xxxx... Now is only a micro problem.. but when there is only one race, all this sub divider will be come magnified and become major issue again..
I don't think all this issue will stop if we keep on focus on getting similarity or expect other to understand us rather learnt on the differences. I crossed with this ayat in Quran... Allah told us that He made us into nations and tribes so that we may know each other,, go figure my friend.. This is a direct order from God. In my opinion it hold higher priority than our chipsmore mode of boycott McD/Starbuck .. :)
Yusuf Ali: O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).
Today my mum went to yearly raya market to buy some meat and other stuff. When she asked how much per kg for the meat, the seller who is a "bugis"Malay told her that 1kg = RM27. She asked for a discount but the seller said .. it really the price.. cannot nego. So she just forked her money and pay off. Then before she left, there is another bugis Malay ask for the same meat.. Guess what .. he only need to pay RM26 per kg. Just because he is bugis, he got RM1 cheaper. See ...even both my mum & the other buyer's IC bear Malay as the race, but we hv sub divide to bugis, jawa, xxxx... Now is only a micro problem.. but when there is only one race, all this sub divider will be come magnified and become major issue again..
I don't think all this issue will stop if we keep on focus on getting similarity or expect other to understand us rather learnt on the differences. I crossed with this ayat in Quran... Allah told us that He made us into nations and tribes so that we may know each other,, go figure my friend.. This is a direct order from God. In my opinion it hold higher priority than our chipsmore mode of boycott McD/Starbuck .. :)
Yusuf Ali: O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).
July 12, 2014
Al Qaeda .. Muslim.. Zionism .. Jews..
Something happen today which cause this double entry per day. I was driving down from town and near beach street while waiting for traffic light, I saw a Jew pass by crossing the road. How I know he a Jewish? He wore that small cap - kippah on his head. It very rare to see Jew in Malaysia. Somehow it cross my mind, i wonder if he in danger walking alone in Malaysia when people are so angry with Israel now a days but I hope it is OK as he in Penang .. Traffic light goes green .. and I forgot everything and focus on getting my carpark for Tajul Hussin ayam gulai.. ( ohh delicious).
Then once I reach home, I surf net, open facebook and I saw photo of that Jewish post by a fb friend and below is his status. I have mixed feeling when reading it ... and when read the comments. Some comment are good which tell him, there are different between normal jewish and jewish that kill palestin. Some agree with what he do and bravo him and some even say ask to langgar or sembelih that Jews.. I wonder if he really do the later one, what the different between us and those killer.
Anyway it remind me during my younger time in Europe.. I experience couple of thing just because I'm muslim wore headscarf and there are Muslim at the other side of the world doing suicidal bombing killing innocent ppl. When I was walking down the street near my hostel, someone shout at me " you terrorist .. go away" while throwing bottle towards me. I just walk fast and lucky nothing bad really happen. Then there another incident when I was in Paris, the officer ask me to take off my headscarf in front of all people to check me .. maybe they think i bring bomb in my scarf. They let me go eventually because somehow I forgot to bring my bomb.. :p. My point is, it depends on which side you looking at we hv to agree on one thing. Is it fair for me to get angry for those ppl treat me differently because I'm muslim and not all Muslim are terrorist? If that is fair, does it fair for us, to get angry to all Jewish just because some of Jewish brother killing ppl in Palestine?
Then once I reach home, I surf net, open facebook and I saw photo of that Jewish post by a fb friend and below is his status. I have mixed feeling when reading it ... and when read the comments. Some comment are good which tell him, there are different between normal jewish and jewish that kill palestin. Some agree with what he do and bravo him and some even say ask to langgar or sembelih that Jews.. I wonder if he really do the later one, what the different between us and those killer.
Anyway it remind me during my younger time in Europe.. I experience couple of thing just because I'm muslim wore headscarf and there are Muslim at the other side of the world doing suicidal bombing killing innocent ppl. When I was walking down the street near my hostel, someone shout at me " you terrorist .. go away" while throwing bottle towards me. I just walk fast and lucky nothing bad really happen. Then there another incident when I was in Paris, the officer ask me to take off my headscarf in front of all people to check me .. maybe they think i bring bomb in my scarf. They let me go eventually because somehow I forgot to bring my bomb.. :p. My point is, it depends on which side you looking at we hv to agree on one thing. Is it fair for me to get angry for those ppl treat me differently because I'm muslim and not all Muslim are terrorist? If that is fair, does it fair for us, to get angry to all Jewish just because some of Jewish brother killing ppl in Palestine?
Adoi lah... Mungkin ni ujian Allah kat aku bulan posa ni...
Nak jadi cerita, dalam aku tgh dok hangat dgn puak2 Israel dan Yahudi laknatullah ni tiba2 aku dipertemukan dgn sekoq Yahudi masa tgh tunggu dlm keta di luar 1st Avenue...
Dia bawak peta mai approach aku dengan tujuan nak tanya jalan (rasanyalah)...
Yahudi: Excuse me sir..
Aku: Are u a Jewish?
Yahudi: Yes I am.
Aku: Ni siye... Do know that the Jewish are killing muslim in Palestine? You better go away before I kill you...
Haha terus Yahudi tu belah dan pi tanya kat security.
Aku ni bukannya samseng pun tp tak tau lah kot mana mai kekuatan nak hamput Yahudi tu. Tiba2 ja naik sheikh. Nasib baik tak gaduh atau pi bunuh betoi2 Yahudi tu. Kalau tak, tak pasai2 raya dlm lokap...
Allahu Akbar!
"Ya Allah Kau selamatkanlah saudara2ku di Palestine. Kau berikanlah mereka kekuatan utk menentang tentera2 Israel... amin ya rabbala'lam
War ... where do I stand
Recently so many share on Palestine on the FB wall.. It really sad and it breaking my heart to see ppl die from the war. So many comparison between israel selfie .. how they seems to enjoy it compare to the suffer that palestine are having. But the more i see the share, the more i doubt myself.. Am I getting the whole picture here? When I was in US last time, their advertisement keep on showing how the Israel are also suffer for this war... even in law & order, one of the jewish songlap their company money to send those money to Israel. They claimed ppl are pity with Palestine that they forgot Israel also in the war. I met israel guy last time in a training.. despite his arrogant of proving my instructor is wrong, he just normal person.. i wonder how this type of person can be such an evil.. The same thought I have with Japanese and i can't figure out until now. How so polite race can become so cruel in the past. We as Malaysian know how much our older generation suffer with Japaneese. Does ppl in war know they cause pain in other ppl or they truly believe what they do is what they HAVE to do in order to survive? Muslim normally will blame Israel as jews and it their nature to cause this type of havoc in palestine & israel conflict.. but i wonder how does this apply to Shia & Sunni war in Syria.. Both Muslim and both believe in Allah & Muhammad. Of course being born as muslim in predominate Sunni community, my heart are sway to Palestin & sunni but does the war is due to this? Or it just ppl is so greedy and they use what ever label to justify thing?
If with Allah will that Jews are totally wiped off from this world, will we have our peace? Or they will be another war with ppl who has differences with us even we dont really know the absolute true.? Sometimes I feel, I slowly lost hope in humanity..
If with Allah will that Jews are totally wiped off from this world, will we have our peace? Or they will be another war with ppl who has differences with us even we dont really know the absolute true.? Sometimes I feel, I slowly lost hope in humanity..
May 06, 2014
free stuff vs freedom
I like free stuff... who doesnt .. Recently I hv to undergo a dungeon where they provide bfast, lunch n tea time. It should be good right ..free .... but eventually I'm sick of the food.. Today, i went to cafe n tapau my own food. It so heaven n i feel satisfied eating it.... :). The dungeon food is also from cafe... but i guess the ability to choose even it the same food from cafe make a lots of difference
April 27, 2014
Day 9 of 100happydays
Start my day early... Plan for 10km wishful run.. but end up just ~4km run, 2 km walk and a bfast and car ride.. hahahah.. what a funny achievement... Continue with swimming..had another round of bfast.. What a bliss... the happy moment is to lie down at the swimming pool alone without any distruption
April 26, 2014
Day 8 of 100happydays
Many thing happens today. A friend just got her PHD after dunno how long of PHD battles.. It wasn't an easy one but she had an excellent project. Despite lacks of time to do the viva, nobody can against her project as she has proved it is a money making material. They have won multiple award and gain lots of customer from inside and outside the country.. I'm so proud of you Miss Rafiza..
Also today i hosted a farewell cum gathering... It was a nice to have ppl over and gathered. I was requested a roasted chicken n potato. It was scary n stress as ppl requested. Just cross my finger it works.... It my 3rd attempt. The first one is disaster. The second one ppl lick even the bone.. and just left the carcass.. and this one is in the middle :). The potato is a hit again although the previous one is more garing :). Had lots of other food. my friend brought harumanis manggo which is so delicious... i even think of going to Perlis to buy...home made bread which full of love, the garden pasta salad that is better than kenny rogers n not to forget instant donut which turn to cokelat doughnut by the bibik.. hahahah.. We had a blast night n really full . :). End up my day with halfly done kemas my study room
Also today i hosted a farewell cum gathering... It was a nice to have ppl over and gathered. I was requested a roasted chicken n potato. It was scary n stress as ppl requested. Just cross my finger it works.... It my 3rd attempt. The first one is disaster. The second one ppl lick even the bone.. and just left the carcass.. and this one is in the middle :). The potato is a hit again although the previous one is more garing :). Had lots of other food. my friend brought harumanis manggo which is so delicious... i even think of going to Perlis to buy...home made bread which full of love, the garden pasta salad that is better than kenny rogers n not to forget instant donut which turn to cokelat doughnut by the bibik.. hahahah.. We had a blast night n really full . :). End up my day with halfly done kemas my study room
April 25, 2014
day7 of 100happydays
see. within 2 weeks i only had 7 happy days. the rest, wake up, morning call, work, dinner n sleep. routineeee
anyway after a hard day at work, nice
to hv a kaw mocha ice blended with a nice sea view
April 21, 2014
looking for mr right
Last night we have some discussion in the whatsapps abt marriage life. My friends said being a women, we need to always put ourself behind the husband. which my friend said, is also the advise from makcik2 n the kakak2 who has been married for ages. Sometimes even when the husband is wrong, we should just follow because guy has ego n they hate to be wrong. Being me who keras kepala, i just cannot accept that idea. when we know its wrong why we want to jump to the hole together. so my friend said, maybe for me i need to find someone yang selalu mengalah else there is no way my marriage will work. emm but i dont like either. i told them that i think the guy i'm looking for just someone that willing to lower his ego for something that is right n love me that much to care. reaction from my friend --> not exist!! hahahahaha n another friend said even if it exist, he will either younger, too old like a father, or live in zimbabwe or etc. How sad that my dream of true love seems to be fairy tales. Anyway, i put my step back n think. Among us, i'm the only one that reserved in term of looking for a guy. Most of them, venture out their comfort zone to find mr right. Even they willing to mengalah in relationship, it doesnt get any easy. For me, what i want is kind of fairy tales to other but yet i still in my comfort zone doing nothing. i wonder if i really want to get married. hahahaha. it a million dollar question.
April 20, 2014
day 6 of 100happydays
the most happy but being take for granted most of time. i forgot the last time since i hv time to do this. blame to fogz... hihihi leasuring at my hse with clear blue sky
April 19, 2014
day 5 of 100happydays
today i woke up early to use my new gadget. wahh it so easy. i just dump all the ingredient n i got pizza dough. hihihihi it time to use my pizza tray. here the outcome. it nice although hangus sikit.
huhuhuh. thinking what to do tonite. cake ke? or bread for burger? emm emmm. nway in another topic, i just love shirt that i bought in us. hahahahah. rasa cantik bila pakai. lallalaala
April 17, 2014
day4 of 100happydays
finally... after a long wait, i manage to taste this chocolate. i use to see ppl eat in someone cube n said wahh this so good so good. i like .. emm i want to try but paiseh to ask. so finally!!! it really nice
April 14, 2014
the first 3 days is easy peasy as i'm
having my me time but the next few days is a challenge for me. wonder if i even hv time to think of happy days but i put my trust in allah. maybe by writting it down it help me to appreciate n enjoy things around me. wahh 3 post in a day. claps hand for myself.
money vs time vs comfort
from hk airport i plan to go to hong kong island. most of information in airport are pointing to airport express which is hk100 one way n hk180 return. kind of expensive for me. i'm looking for cheaper way so decide to take airport bus. from some of bus information found in airport wall, i guess a11 or e11 will go to central where i can just walk to pier7 for the ferry. Somehow a11 cost 40hk while e11 cost only 21hk. Dont really care why, i went to buy e11 ticket in the counter but they only sell a11. for e11 i need to buy on the bus. ok then, i queue at e11 stop n waited abt 15 mins. the bus reach... but it only accept exact amount. damned.. . i have 51hk and the bus driver are screaming ask me to be fast n want to close the door. reluctantly i force myself down. now i know that 20hk cheaper come with a price. i just wasted my 15 mins queue. went back to the counter n i surrender my 40hk on a11 for the exchange of another 20mins of waiting. without a wait, the a11 bus is already at the bus stop n i just walk n board. how a 20hk make a different on time spend waiting n comfort of need to hv small change etc. then come the second part. for a11 bus, there are 2 stop for central. city hall n admiral. i choose admiral as it sounded more like water yet the driver didnt stop there but it stop at the next stop which kind of far from the central. i just got down n plan to take the opposite bus to central back. i crossed the road back n forth to understand where am i n the bus route as i can't find admiral or city hall on all the bus route. cant find bus a11 route on the bus stop either. i spend sometimes to understand how much the fare n get small change for my money as they only accept exact fare. sigh. if i willing to spend that 100hk, i just need to walk out n pier7 on my left.
going back to airport, i decided enough with the cheapskate n go with safer n easier option. so i took the airport express. all sign is easy to understand , there are vending machine to buy tic, easy access to air shuttle... n no more misfortunate :). i guess next time, if i want to save some money n time is limited, i need to do some preparation ahead rather then just jump n hope thing will be alright.
day3 of 100happydays
nice strolling at tsim tsu sa after a period of getting lost in hong kong. :). the wheather are so nice despite the fog. what a nice feeling relaxing while having my leftover brownies. wish i can stay longer.
April 13, 2014
day 2 of 100happydays
had a nice time walking at sf. went to exploratrium. inspired by simple thing they do to promote science. biasa la kan. aku pun berangan to do the same thing. continue to pier39. eat a very nice donuts :). nice wheather, nice place n nice sea lion :). ate salmon burger n splashed cream cheese all over me but yet i continue eating as nobody care n i just want to eat :). i wish i can stroll longer but having a flight tonight, i have to make a move.
day1 of 100happydays
attempt to do 100 happy days. my reason simply because i want to force myself living mylife while still having my job. i keep complaining to my friend that i cant do thing that i like because of work. lets see how much i can fight againts it. my first photo is a very nice red velvet. it really really nice. the sponge cake doesnt taste eggy at all. the cheese is really yummy. i bought from cheesecake factory. but arrr this cake also bring me another opposite of happy feeling - not happy. it so big. the first byte was heaven but as i scooped more and more..another feeling appear. how nice if i can share this with other people. :(

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