November 16, 2009
October 13, 2009
September 24, 2009
nawaitu vs action
case 1: To restore human faith, a priest create a very huge terror so ppl will return their way to God.
Nawaitu : baik. Action : uhuhuhh .. sangat tidak baik. (taken from angel & demon)
case 2: To help guide the world from any dangerous threat like terrorism etc, the organization telah secretly de-cript every email/web/net without other ppl know abt it. Bukan it saja, when they received a threat yg paksa diorang utk bocorkan rasia itu, a guy in that organization bukan saja telah plan utk menipu org dgn lebih hebat tapi juga telah membunuh org2 yg dirasakan akan menspoilkan rancangan dia.
Nawaitu : baik. Action : Sgt tidah baik ( Taken from digital fortress)
case 3: A defend lawyer yg mana anak buah dia menrape budak pompuan, telah tiba2 rasa bertangungjwab to uphold the justice. So dia telah menreversekan dimana dia soal anak client dia and membocorkan rasia anak client dia.
Nawaitu : Baik . Action : Tak baik gak.. sebab dah melanggar etika sorang peguam. haii... ( taken from jin notti)
September 11, 2009
Finally.. baru tgk music n lyrics..
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need em again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere
I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not somebody just to get me through the night
I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I'll be there for you in the end
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
September 08, 2009
Vincci +
September 05, 2009
mimpi dalam mimpi
kepala lembu
August 09, 2009
another craziness

August 01, 2009
Warden saya di MATRI dahulu, namanya Ustaz Mahadzir bin Mohamad. Dengan saya, ada satu perkara yang dia sering pesankan.
“Hilal, enta kena rendahkan hati enta”
Awalnya, saya tidak faham. Apa beza merendah diri dengan merendahkan hati?
Pesanan itu, walaupun diberikan kepada saya sekitar tahun 2004 dahulu, saya masih ingat sampai hari ini. Saya tidaklah terus mengambil nasihatnya, mengamalkannya dalam kehidupan. Sebab saya ketika itu, tidak faham apa itu kerendahan hati.
Namun, setelah lama masa berlalu, saya mula mengerti apa yang dimaksudkan dengan kerendahan hati itu.
Ada orang bermasalah dengan amalnya. Bukan masalah tidak tahu beramal. Tetapi, dia bermasalah kerana dia riya’, takabbur, ujub dengan amalnya.
Rajin ke masjid lima waktu sehari, maka di dalam hatinya terdetik: “Bagus aku ni, dapat pergi masjid 5 waktu sehari. Istiqomah plak tu. Tak macam orang lain”
Hafal Al-Quran 30 juzu’, hatinya mencuit: “Apa la orang lain, aku boleh hafal 30 juzu’, kenapa la diorang ni malas sangat? Mungkin otak diorang ni lembab agaknya”
Kepimpinan hebat, bercakap di hadapan fasih, semua orang terpegun, hatinya berkata: “Ha, baru korang tahu aku ni siapa. Sekali aku cakap, semua ternganga”
Rajin qiamullail: “Eh, hebat aku ni. Mesti pahala banyak”
Begitulah dalam perbuatan-perbuatan kita yang lain.
Ya, hanya detikan di hati. Tiadalah pula kita mendabik dada mendongak kepala, menjerit-jerit kata: “Aku bagus, aku terhebat, aku terbaik!”. Semuanya di dalam hati.
Ketika itu, hati telah tercedera sebenarnya. Sedar atau tidak, amal kita tidak diterima. Kerna, tiada kerendahan dalam hati kita. Syaitan, hakikatnya telah berjaya memperdayakan kita semua.
Syaitan, jika tidak berjaya mengajak kita berbuat kemungkaran dan maksiat, maka dia akan menyuruh kita berbuat kebaikan.
“Eh, pergi la masjid setiap waktu” Bisik Syaitan. “Kau zikir la banyak sikit”
Bila kita dah stabil, buat kebaikan dengan istiqomah, maka syaitan akan kata: “Bagus la kau ni, buat baik banyak”
Kita pun diam-diam, jauh di lubuk hati, berbangga dengan amal kita. Kita rasa kita sudah bagus, kita rasa kita sudah cukup. Maka ketika itulah, syaitan mula mencucuk-cucuk lagi diri kita. Akhirnya, kita tidak lagi mendirikan solat kerana kita rasa perlu, kerana hendakkan redha Allah, tetapi kita dirikan solat kerana hendakkan perhatian insan lain. Walaupun zahirnya, kita tidak berkata: “Ei, tengokla aku solat” Namun jauh di lubuk hati, kita berkata: “Ha, orang mesti salute punya tengok aku selalu solat di masjid”
Sebahagian manusia, memilih satu solusi dalam permasalahan ini dengan membuat keputusan supaya tidak beramal terus, atau mengurangkan kesungguhannya.
“Ah, malas la pergi masjid, nanti riyak”
“Aku ni bukan apa, takut kalau aku buat elok-elok ni, aku takabbur nanti”
Saya tertawa. Begitu kah?
Kalau benar, maka sekali lagi, syaitan yang licik telah berjaya menipu kita. Syaitan ini mudah, jalannya ada tiga. Pertama: Buat maksiat, ingkar kepada Allah. Kedua: Buat baik, bukan kerana Allah. Ketiga: Tak payah buat dua-dua.
Pilihan ketiga ini, sebenarnya membawa kepada pilihan pertama. Bila kita tidak mempertingkatkan kualiti amalan, kualiti pengabdian kita kepada Allah, maka kita akan terdedah dengan hasutan-hasutan dann godaan syaitan. Kita akan menjadi lemah. Lama kelamaan, kita akan jatuh ke lubang maksiat juga.
Jadi, apa solusinya?
Seorang guru saya, berkata:
“Bila riya’ itu datang dalam amal, maka yang patut kita buat bukanlah meninggalkan amal. Tetapi yang patut kita buat adalah menanggalkan riya’”
Kamu akan menyoal saya, bagaimana hendak menanggalkan riya’?
Jawapannya, kita balik kepada pesanan Ustaz Mahadzir bin Mohamad tadi: Kerendahan hati.
Sebab itu, hati kita yang berbolak balik ini, perlu kita tarbiyah(didik) agar menjadi jinak dan mampu dilenturkan. Kita perlu sentiasa bermuhasabah, dan menjelaskan niat. Untuk apa amal-amal ini kita laksanakan. Adakah kerana manusia, atau kerana kita benar-benar memerlukan amal-amal ini untuk pulang kepada Allah?
Kita lihat, contoh agung kita, Rasulullah SAW yang merupakan Rasul dan kekasih Allah SWT, namun tetap juga merendahkan hatinya serendah-rendahnya.
Mari kita teliti beberapa keadaan yang menunjukkan betapa Rasulullah SAW amat menjaga kondisi hatinya agar sentiasa rendah.
Perhatikan, malam sebelum perang Badar berlangsung, Rasulullah SAW telah berdoa dengan bersungguh-sungguh, mengangkat tangannya dengan tinggi, sehingga terjatuh kain rida’ baginda dan menampakkan ketiak baginda yang putih.
Rasulullah SAW berdoa: “Ya Allah, seandainya KAU tidak membantu kami, maka KAU akan lihat esok tiada lagi orang yang akan menyembahMu”
Doa baginda yang bersungguh-sungguh itu, membuatkan Abu Bakr RA terharu. Abu Bakr menenangkan baginda dan menyatakan bahawa Allah pasti akan memakbulkan doa baginda.
Hal ini, terbalik dengan situasi hijrah. Ketika hijrah, Rasulullah SAW amat tenang, dan Abu Bakr RA yang ketakutan. Hingga di dalam gua Tsur, Abu Bakr apabila melihat kaum musyrikin sudah tiba di pintu gua, Abu Bakr RA berkata: “Ya Rasulullah, bagaimana kiranya jika mereka tunduk ke bawah, pasti kita akan dijumpai mereka”
Rasulullah SAW menjawab: “Apa pandangan kamu wahai Abu Bakr, jika kita berdua dan yang ketiganya adalah Allah?”
Kata-kata itu langsung menenangkan Abu Bakr RA.
Sedangkan, semasa hijrah, Rasulullah SAW hanya ditemani Abu Bakr RA dalam keadaan tubuhnya telah diletakkan ganjaran 100 ekor unta kepada sesiapa yang berjaya menemui baginda hidup atau mati. Manakala ketika di Medan Badr, Rasulullah SAW mempunyai bala tentera seramai 313 orang. Kenapa ketika hijrah Rasulullah SAW bersikap amat tenang, dan di Medan Badr Rasulullah SAW amat kerisauan?
Kerana, ketika hijrah, Rasulullah SAW tidak mempunyai apa-apa. Pergantungan baginda, 100% hanya kepada Allah SWT. Baginda meletakkan keyakinan baginda, sepenuhnya kepada Allah SWT. Tetapi, semasa peperangan Badr, baginda sudah mempunyai ramai pembantu, tentera, sedikit senjata, beberapa tunggangan. Bagina amat takut, bukan takut kalah, tetapi takut andai pergantungannya tidak 100% kepada Allah, tetapi kepada angka tentera dan kelengkapannya.
Maka, Rasulullah SAW menghiba, merendahkan hatinya serendah-rendah. Walau mempunyai tentera, baginda tetap meletakkan pergantungannya kepada Allah, menutup lubang-lubang riyak, ujub dan takabbur, menghapus peluang hasutan syaitan.
Dalam situasi yang lain, yakni ketika Fathu Makkah. Rasulullah SAW masuk ke Makkah, bersama 10,000 orang tentera baginda, lengkap bersenjata semuanya, majoriti tentera muslimin ketika menunggang kuda dan unta, semuanya berbaju besi dari kepala hingga ke kaki dan hanya menampakkan mata sahaja. Lengkap, hebat, gagah, dan tidak tertentang.
Namun, Rasulullah SAW tidak masuk dengan mendabik dada, ataupun tersenyum memandang kiri kanan. Diriwayatkan bahawa, Rasulullah SAW masuk ke Makkah ketika saat gemilang itu, dengan menundukkan kepalanya, menangis dan memuji-muji Allah. Dinyatakan bahawa, Rasulullah menundukkan kepala, hingga kepalanya itu hammpir menyentuh tubuh untanya.
Kerana ketika itu, Rasulullah SAW hendak menutup segala kemungkinan untuk riyak, takjub, ghurur, takabbur dan pelbagai lagi tembakan-tembakan halus syaitan. Segala strategi Syaitan, dihadapi baginda dengan tenang, dipatahkan penuh bijak dengan kerendahan hati.
Begitulah kita dalam kehidupan. Mahu tidak mahu, kita perlu mempertingkatkan taraf amal kita, kualiti kehidupan kita, kesungguhan kita, dalam mengejar redha Allah SWT dan menjadi hamba-Nya. Memang, sebagai manusia biasa, segala penyakit hati seperti riyak dan saudara maranya akan datang menghinggap. Maka, solusinya bukan meninggalkan amal, meninggalkan usaha. Solusinya adalah berhadapan, menentang.
Bila kita perasan bahawa kita ini riyak, atau mula ada rasa ajaib kepada diri, maka perbanyakkan lah istighfar, muhasabah, dan mengembalikan segala puja dan puji itu kepada Allah. Sedarlah bahawa, kita dapat beramal ini pun adalah rezeki daripada Allah SWT. Pulangkanlah segala kelebihan itu kepada-Nya. Allah lah yang memberikan kita izin untuk melakukan segalanya.
Alangkan Rasulullah SAW yang paling hebat hubungannya dengan Allah SWT pun menjaga perkara ini, masakan kita tidak boleh bersungguh-sungguh untuk mencontohi baginda. Hubungan kita dengan Allah, amatlah lemah. Mustahil kita mampu menentang segala cubaan dengan meninggalkan amal. Riyak dan saudara maranya, hanyalah halangan yang perlu kita langkaui, untuk kita menghadapi cabaran dan dugaan yang lebih besar dari itu lagi.
Merendahkan hati, tidak sama dengan merendahkan diri. Bila kita merendahkan diri, orang nampak kita merendahkan diri. Malah, kadangkala, kita merendah diri pun dalam keadaan riyak. Merendah hati, lebih sukar dari merendah diri. Hal ini kerana, merendahkan hati ini, benar-benar kita dengan Allah SWT sahaja. Manusia lain, tidak akan tahu bahawa kita ini merendah hati atau tidak.
Jadi, isu kerendahan hati ini, perlu anda perhatikan, muhasabah. Anda dengan Allah, bagaimana?
Ketahuilah bahawa, kekuatan hendak beramal dengan ikhlas, semuanya datang daripada Allah SWT.
Rendahkanlah hati anda. InsyaAllah Allah akan membantu anda.
Sama-sama lah kita perbanyakkan muhasabah, dan memberbaiki lagi kondisi hati dan kehidupan kita.
Kita hendak pulang kepada Allah SWT, dalam keadaan hati yang sempurna insyaAllah…
Ya Allah, terima lah, dan bantulah kami ini.
Manusia-manusia, yang hendak menjadi HambaMu Ya Ilahi…
July 31, 2009
yes.. its good to have extra money...
July 13, 2009
Buatan orang
Even kadang2 x nak percaya benda buat2 org ni but pada aku it do happens. Even rasulallah pun ada kena sihir. Bila benda2 ni terjadi semua akan try sehabis daya utk cari penawar. Tapi dalam masa mencari penawar ni kadang x tau mana yg cakap benar mana yg cakap tipu. Sometimes makin kita nak baik .. makin kita terpesong.. Walau dapat jumpa org yg ok , yg dapat mengubat tapi kadang2 cara nya x betul. Kadang2 terpikir kalau le ditakdirkan kita kena benda2 ni how will we react? Mcm mana nak ubatkan? Which one will benefit more, a doa or help from a kiyai or our own doa to Allah to help. Ada org cakap.. kita mintak kiyai doakan sebab diorang lebih dekat ..lebih makbul doa tapi bukan kah kalau kita mintak sendiri lebih ikhlas. Memang le tau, kita ni ilmu x banyak.. amalan pun ciput je tapi insyallah Allah x membeza2kan doa kita asalkan ikhlas n betul2 yakin akan kuasanya. Entah le...
Bila baca2 transalation, aku perasan surah Al-falak adalah doa utk mohon perlindungan utk benda2 alah ni. Allah turunkan doa ni utk kita it must means something. Maybe its a good practise for us to avoid all those mischief.
1. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn
2. From the mischief of created things;
3. From the mischief of Darkness as it overspreads;
4. From the mischief of those who practise secret arts;
5. And from the mischief of the envious one as he practises envy.
July 09, 2009
It will be easier if we have a switch to on/off the memory but then what the different between us and robot. Even pleo pun diorang nak kasik memory kat dia. I wonder what the different will you be when u move on while having your memory and when u lost your memory. Will you be different person. Experience does grow you... but having a past memory, will it bring anything? Does the past memory is important..? If you lost your memory, will you became the different person.. emm i dont know..
July 06, 2009
July 04, 2009
bebelan wanita di malam sabtu
I just finish Korea marathon : Which star you are from... Best gak. It hard to be in love when you always felt the shadow of some one especially your own sister. But I guess it depends on your confident. If you confident that a guy can love you as what you are .. it wont be a problem... tapi what if even you cannot see why you deserved to be love.. so balik2 confident. Nak dapat keje pun kena confident.. malas nya.
Aku tgh nak mendecided sama ada nak mengabiskan duit kat facial ke x... my age are changing the front number next year.. kang takut meyesal lak .. and u cannot turn back time. tapi .. yearly cost mcm baik aku simpan bile wardrobe kan... emmm ... confuse...
June 11, 2009
A miracle 3
May 30, 2009
acai berry
May 28, 2009
My Dear beloved Son
May 27, 2009
I'm coward
May 25, 2009
Tazkirah di pagi monday
My dear son,
If you understand this tradition, there is no need for too much knowledge. Hatim al-Asam was among the friends of Shaqiq al-Balkhi (may Allah have mercy on them both). One day Shaqiq asked Hatim: "You have kept my company for thirty years; what have you gained in the course of these years?" Hatim replied: "I have gained eight benefits from the knowledge which is sufficient for me. I hope my salvation and safety are embodied in them." Shaqiq asked Hatim to mention them. Hatim al-Asam said: "The first benefit is that I observed the creation and saw that everyone had loved one and one passionately desired whom he loved and longed for. Some of the beloved accompany the lover up to the brink of sickness and death and others to the gate of the graveyard. All of them return and leave him there alone. No one goes into the tomb with him. I looked into the matter and said to myself: 'The best beloved is that which would enter the tomb with the lover to console him'; I found it to be nothing else than good works, so I took this as my beloved, to illuminate my grave for me and to comfort me in it and not leave me alone.
"The second benefit is that I saw that the people were following their lusts and hastening towards the desires of the souls; and I meditated on the saying of Allah the Exalted: But as for whoever has feared the majesty of his Lord and has refrained his soul from lust, truly the Garden shall be his dwelling place (Quran, 79:40-41). Convinced that the Quran was true and right, I began to deny my soul [its pleasures] and hurried to combat it and refuse it its passionate desires, until I enjoyed real satisfaction in obedience to Allah the Exalted.
"The third benefit is that I saw that every human being is striving to accumulate as much as he can from the wreckage of this world and then holding on strongly to it. I meditated on the Quranic verse: What is with you must vanish; what is with Allah must endure (Quran, 19:96). So I gave freely my wordly possessions for His sake by distributing them among the poor so that it would be my provision in the future with Him the Exalted.
"The fourth benefit is that some people whom I observed think that their dignity and honour lie in the multitude of their family and large clans. They were fascinated by these things. Others claimed honour and dignity in abundance of wealth and children, and they were proud of it. Some believed honour and power abide in appropriating the wealth of others, doing injustice to them and shedding their blood. Others considered dignity to consist of extravagance and spending wealth in a foolish manner. I meditated upon the saying of the Exalted: The most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you (Quran, 49:13). I chose righteousness for myself, convinced that the Quran is right and true and those claims and opinions of the people are all false and temporal.
"The fifth benefit is that I found people slandering each other and speaking ill of one another out of envy of fortune, power and knowledge. I meditated upon the saying of Allah: It is We who divide their livelihood among them in the life of this world (Quran, 43:32). I realised that the process of dividing livelihood is entirely in the hands of Allah since the beginning of time. Therefore I never envied anyone and was satisfied with the distribution of Allah the Exalted.
"The sixth benefit is that I saw people becoming enemies of each other for difference reasons. I meditated upon the saying of Allah: Verily, Satan is an enemy to you; so treat him as an enemy (Quran, 35:6). I became aware that enmity with anyone except Satan was not permissible.
"The seventh benefit is that I saw everyone working very hard, exhausting themselves to obtain food and sustenance, tempted by doubts and forbidden things. They degraded themselves in humiliation. I pondered over the saying of Allah the Exalted: There is no moving creature on earth but that its sustenance is dependant on Allah (Quran, 11:6). I knew that my livelihood is guaranteed by Allah the Exalted, so I engaged myself in worship and cut off my covetousness of all else, other than Him.
"The eighth benefit is that I saw that everyone relied on some created thing, some on the dinar and dirham, some on wealth and property, some on trade and craft and some on creatures like themselves. I meditated on the saying of Allah the Exalted: "And whosoever places his reliance on Allah, sufficient is [Allah] for him. For Allah will surely accomplish His purpose. Verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion (Quran, 65:3). I therefore placed full trust in Allah the Exalted. He is sufficient for me and He is the best Disposer of affairs."
At this point Shaqiq said: "May Allah bless you and grant you success. I looked into the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Zabur and the Quran and have found that the four books revolve around these eight benefits. Whoever works according to them is working according to these four books."
~ Adapted from Imam Al-Ghazali's book Dear Beloved Son (Seventeenth Counsel).
May 22, 2009
My new resolution
May 18, 2009
Today is beautiful
May 17, 2009
Be positive.
Love do not required return
For example if some one in love when suami orang and willing to be a second wife. But the first wife x kasik. So a lot of people will still kawin but willing to sacrifice by became isteri gelap ( unknown wife).. tapi bile pikir2 .. by marrying that guy, we will add more trouble to him... and why we still need to became his wife when he has a price to pay. That price is not sikit. Impact his life with his family, son .. and he became a liar.. But still people want something out of their love...
1. Should you keep on thinking why you cannot sad. How this sadness is necessary for you to find happiness .. or how this sadness is nothing compare to sadness if you choose other decision
2. Should you try to avoid other people and let yourself cry until u tired?
3. Should you join your other friend partying so you forget the sadness ..
4. Should you make sure you have company all the time so you dont think abt your sadness but end up you tired of try to show a happy face?
5. Should you just hope there will be miracle tommorow?
6. Should you listen to your favorite song or verses so you thinking abt it instead of your sadness
7. Should you go shopping until you broke?
8. Should you eat ice cream or all the sweet2 thing until u get diabetes?
9. Should you go to movie alone and cry all out when the story not even a sad movie LoL..
10. Should you book a flight tix for vacation
11. SHould you work till night until you dont have time to think ... until the sadness is over?
btw .. for those with Mac.. here a good Quran software. You can get translation in all language + the recitation
May 01, 2009
April 19, 2009
I'm free
Tapi aku pelik .. when ppl are in their worst time why so many blame happen? Masa awal2 nak buat .. no one want the task. You guys can just ignore this .. i want membebel utk meluahkan perasan je. In my project .. i was supposed to deliver block X. It was given to YH but he dont want to do because even designer need 6 months for that. So he said .. then it's not possible for him to do it. My boss ask me and i just took the block and do it. And the same time .. it kind of excite me in the beginning as I'll be able to do new stuff. I encounter lots of issue and when I struggling to resolved my few last issue before the 1st design handover, YH came and said to me .. if I'm OK if he create another X block just incase mine is not working. I just say OK but it did break my heart. If he really want to help .. why dont he help me with my block or why dont he take the task when it first being given to him. Anyway I managed to completed the block but some how my design are very flabby. This block X is use to boot Os and we encounter lots of issue and some of the issue is due to my block X. Then the DE/Core team start talking ... that the OS boot is delayed due to issue on Block X. Yes .. i get the blame again while initially they dont want to do it. It was so frustated working in this environment. In the beginning, I just fix issue on Block X everytime ppl who work in OS boot file an issue or email me the issue. But later stage .. some how I became the validator who debugging the issue, simulate the issue, fixing the issue and creating the images. I've been putting myself to the max during this time and it really break me down... and even my family and friend impacted with this. Everytime my phone ringing I scared .. and hoping its a wrong numder. Anyway .. those thing is over.. but yesterday conversation with my friend make me even hurt. My friend said .. that a friend said .. give him 30 days and he can bring the OS up. I know he capable of doing that but it hurts to hear that as it give me feeling .. all the sacrifice i made is not worth at all.
April 17, 2009
He butterscotch and I'm chocolate raisin
hahaha .. my point bukan nak mengcompiuskan kan korang dgn so many Miss XYZ .. but i wonder for a good relationship, which one better. Does you need to be similar or you need to be ying and yang. I wasnt really thinking abt this until my friend offer me butterscoth gardenia. I know lots of ppl like this butterscoth and I've been dying to try one ever but always sold out kat petronas. Until one day i managed to buy it. Even butterscoth is more popular but i realized i like chocolate raisin more. So should i look for ppl that like chocolate raisin .. or i'll be happy with butterscoth.
I asked my good friend abt this if he butterscoth and his gf cokelat raisin or both of them is the same. He told me .. he and his gf, they are totally different sampai type of bread x leh nak mendescribekan diorang but they prefectly happy.
So does similarity and differences important in relationship?? Emm aku masih x sure what the conclusion weh...
March 23, 2009
Guides to daily conversation
- wah .. congrats.. dah berapa bulan
- Nanti bersalin kat mana? Sapa jaga?
- Ada morning sickness x? Ada mengidam apa2 x?
WHen your friend just deliver
- so boy or girl?
- Bape berat dia? Amboi ringan je, apsal perut hang nampak besaq dulu ekk
- sakit x?
When your friend plan to shift to new place
- Jam x?
- Kat sana, neigbour dia cam ne? OK?
- Bape sewa?
When your friend buy new cosmetic/diet product
- Berkesan x?
- ada apa effect x?
- Bape rege?
When your friend tell you that she/he got new job
- Gaji bape? Tinggi ke?
- Apa dia kasik? Benefit
- Keje dia best ke? Ada travel ke?
WHen your friend got scholarship offer
- Ni loan ke scholarship?
- Kena keje ngn diorang ke? Ikat bape tahun?
- Bape dia kasik? CUkup ke?
When your friend tell you her bro get enggage
- Your younger or older brother
March 09, 2009
Personality test again ...
Give it a try ..
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
March 08, 2009
Believe or not ...
Anyway berbalik pasal "poem" tadi. Walaupun susah nak masuk akal tapi "poem" ni dah terbukti berkesan for several ocassion. Of course le kan case mak aku ... sampai dia dapat "poem" ni. Then masa kakak ipar aku bersalin anak kedua .. dia termakan nasi sejuk sebab confuse yg mana nasi baru :p. Puas abang aku baca semua ayat2 quran yg related. baca surah yasin bekali2 n kali minum la .. but still the same. At the end, he call my mum tanya nak buat apa. My mum suruh le try "poem" tu .. and right after my bro baca je poem tu .. my sis terus lega. weird ar .. after that .. my bro did try a few times to his friend's wife and it works. My mum pun ada kasik gak le poem ni kat kawan jiran sebelah. It also work for his daughter yg dok asyik masuk hospital after bersalin.
The weirdest thing is .. i've read the poem .. but could not find anything special about it. I've read n read .. n try to make it logical tapi x dapat gak. Cannot relate how this poem can help utk ubat org yg bentan. Is it just coincidently ?? Actually ada banyak benda lagi yg aku wonder... like my friend cakap atuk dia boleh communicate with his friend yg jauh berbatu2 without any phone.. or ada pencuri masuk rumah dia but x jumpa jalan keluar le. I'm sure there must be some explaination out there. Maybe x sampai masa kita tau lagi kot.
Anyway kat bawah ni le poem ni but my mum cakap syarat dia kena beli poem ni ngn owner dia with 25sen + asam jawa + garam + jarum.
** ganti Mrs X with sapa yg bentan
mana mula berakit
tonggak sangga menyangga
kenapa "Mrs X" bentan urat
hantu sapa menyapa
kalau bertegur dek orang lalu
satu tiarap satu terlentang
masak sekelian tawar
keluar sekelian bisa
kabul mustajap berkat doa
la ila haill allah muhammad dur rasulallah
February 01, 2009
tired ...
January 31, 2009
January 21, 2009
LOve and Hate continue....
After reading this article .. i wonder how many love bridge break or dah nak break during the war..
some view from israel & palestine abt the war..
January 17, 2009
Love and Hate
Sometimes aku terpikir .. bila la benda2 ni nak berakhir . x kan le sampai hari kiamat. Israel cakap dia bom pasal Hamas nye terrorism tapi its not only hamas yg meninggal .. civilian pun banyak gak. Kalau la kita nampak a group of people killing our family .. x ke kita akan mempertahankan or kita nak biarkan je family kita semua mati. They see people that they love dying and hatred kan mainan syaitan gak so what people call as terrorism akan lebih banyak either dgn reason for survivol or just simply revenge. pastu war lagi .. uhh it never end. Utk hapuskan terrorism due to religion extremist, kita kena ingat that those people are fighting beyond their own life. They prepare to die and have nothing to lose. Fighting a terrorism with war will never finish but do people really want to fight the terrorism or they just simple use the reason for own benefit.... saya pun x tau ... haiii
I always relate israel act with judaism which kadang2 pikir mcm x masuk akal. Ye la.. judaism & islam came from the same root so i expect what I get from islam should be almost similar with judaism except for the tauhid part. Tapi what israel did ... are really againt what I understand but tadi baru le saya paham yg zionist is a political and not reliogion view and judaism is againts it. Sama le mcm Islam and muslim extremist. Rasanya zionist is a product of hatred from holocaust while most of muslim-arab extremist is product of hatred from zionist activity. Then the cycles continue. I wonder what start the circle and how to end this circle.
January 12, 2009
I am Kiasu
January 10, 2009
Hudud Law
emm lagi satu example why aku rasa M'sia x ready is masa sodomy case. How many scholar kat Malaysia can give a good opinion based on Quran & hadith. Most of them amik ayat Quran yg sebut kena ada 4 saksi untuk tuduh org berzina n kalau x kena rotan. Tapi kalau difikir, ayat tu utk org lain menuduh org lain berzina.. dan diturunkan utk mengelak fitnah terhadap org yg x berdosa. kalau dipikir, this sodomy case sama ngn case rogol and didnt mention directly in Quran. So in rape case, if you have 4 saksi yg nampak mangsa kena rogol dont you think most likely saksi tu adalah kuncu2 org merogol or the rogol wont happen because sure 4 people can have enough strength utk prevent dari perogolan tu kan. So in rape case, we should not take that Ayat but there is another ayat yg patut dilihat. Ayat ni kasik hukum suami menuduh isteri dia berzina. So bagi suami tuduh isteri berzina, dia x yah kasik 4 saksi tapi apa yg perlu dia kena bersumpah 4 kali dgn nama Allah yg isteri dia berzina and last sumpah kena cakap di akan dilaknat kalau bohong. And kalau isteri dia x nak ngaku, isteri dia plak kena bersumpah 4 kali yg dia x buat n akan dilaknat kalau bohong. So lepas tu terserah kepada Allah sebab diorang dah bersumpah dengan nama Allah. Takkan le kita rasa kita ni lebih adil dari Allah kan. its not easy for husband utk tuduh isteri dia berzina.. humilation kan.. So amat susah nak berlaku fitnah. Tapi Allah maha hebat .. dia tau manusia ni cunning, so by implement 2 way sumpah ( yg tuduh dan dituduh) kita boleh avoid dari hukum yg tak bersalah. Benda yg kita tak tau, we leave it to Him. So dalam case rape or Saiful's sodomy is the same thing. It wasnt easy for normal people ( normal == not so evil) to claims diri dia dirape or disodomi. Humilation. Bape banyak mangsa rogol yg x report just because of humilation or ancaman dari perogol. So when they have courage to say that dia telah dirogol, we should not make thing harder by asking 4 saksi which for me didnt make sense in rogol case and only applicable when you accuse some else berzina not yourself. but we should implement hukum suami tuduh isteri berzina and terserah pada Allah lepas tu sebab dia lebih tahu apa yg sebenarnya. N lagi, aku baca somewhere that, to accuse someone of a crime, kita x boleh meng invade privacy org. so utk tangkap basah, kita x leh gi mengintip rumah org utk cari org buat maksiat. Those who make maksiat openly barulah kena dihukum. And the main thing of amar makruf nahi mungkar concept not only on law implementation but how to prevent. Sebagai contoh org buat maksiat, JAIS etc instead of selalu buat tangkapan, they should also sit and think why people do it and how to prevent.
aku suke ngn idea2 Dr Asri.. but we need more so they can argue intelligently wth guidance of Quran/Hadith. Aku rasa if we reach a point where we are saturated wth scholar cam Dr Asri, hudud law is feasible but with our current scholar yg lebih Yes Sir, susah nak really berlaku adil. With correct implementation, this law can prevent the crime but it can also cause injustice/human rights issue bila org salah tafsir the Quran law.
January 05, 2009
Psyllium Husk
Anyway .. I've tried it tonite .. so far nothing happens .. bt mcm ada physcology ffect that i need more water ...