October 31, 2004

Trip to guildford

Finally the plan happened and here we are .. owwe and aku kat Guildford. Setelah pening2 membaca schedule train we finally arrived at Guildford after about 45min depart from Waterloo. Dlm train baru aku realize yang i didn't store cpah's number kat dalam my simcard. I hv eja.. mazni .. and sue but no cpah. macam mana ni. I hv to call suri and ask her to check my maxis simcard for cpah number. tgh kelam kabut camgitu .. nasib baik cpah tepon. She already wait for us kat Guildford station. heheheheheheh .. nasib baik.
We hv little walk kat Guildford town. There's abit different jalan2 kat Guildford and London. Kat London you don't really feel like in UK sebab ramai sangat people from outside. You meet lots of chineese, Pakistan and also Malaysian tapi kat Guildford .. everywhere omputih. Owwe plak macam tak pernah nampak store .. semua pun dia macam nak masuk.. aku pun pelik. heheheheheh ..After taking some photo kat town, we walk to Cpah's duplex.. aaa jelesnya .. beshnya bilik dia .. huhuhuhuhu .. though her roomate cam kind of pelik gak la. "KaK PAH .. did u lock the door?" Disebabkan cpah nak menunjukkan skill membuat puding roti kat kitorang... so kitorang pun bersiap la gi Tesco to buy those roti and milk
On the way to Tesco .. we heard someone call cpah. Actually dioarng ada photo session for salam hari raya utk Surrey uni so bila dah terlanjur lalu kat situ we just join sekali la. There's lot of ppl so mmg tak perasan la these two kambing sesat yang menyelit kat gambo tu. After the photo session, kitorang continue wth our photo session sendiri. Owwe and I excited la gak tgk pokok kaler merah.. ehheheeheh kat Hyde park just ada pokok kaler kuning je. So amik la gambo bawah pokok kaler merah tu. Setelah siap membeli belah kat Tesco tu, kitorang gi balik kat Reception room utk join berbuka pose. Actually ni pot luck berbuka pose and cpah just contribute kek pisang and aku n owwe not suppose to join la kan.. tapi sebab banyak sgt makanan kitorang tolong la memghabiskan. So merasala kek pisang buatan cpah ..sedap. Ada macroni bakar, meehon, nasi tomato and banyak sungguh sampai perut tak muat nak sumbat and tak lupa ada gak puding roti. Jadi nampaknya mission utk buat puding roti terpaksa di aborted kan. (jgn sedih ye cpah .. lain kali boleh tunjuk skill)
Kitorang bertolak balik dlm kol 8. Dlm train especially sampai kat wimbledon, ramai org yang pakai custom pelik2 sebab malam semalam hallowen nite. macam nak join je party tu .. dulu masa kecik .. i always dreamt of going to pakaian beragam nye party tapi sampai sekrang takde chance nak gi pun. bila la yek....
~You feel loneliness when there is something but you feel emptiness when there is nothing.

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